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Kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face connection) – An evening with wise Wellington women
Stepping UP
Are you ‘stepping UP’ in your career; facing new challenges? What if you could book an evening with wise Wellington women who are keen to help you fill your kete aronui (basket of knowledge). Let us help you make the connection.
Kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face connection)
Speakers include:
- Gee Dennis – Encouraging Māori leaders to break through – look outside the square
- Hayley Browne – #metoo – tips on how to speak up
- Tracy Johnson – Why not me? Breaking free from your own self-negative talk and setting goals
- Sue McLean – representing the TechWomenNZ community https://techwomen.nz/; https://www.linkedin.com/in/sue-mclean-1924644/
- Nina Russell – Ladders, Lies and Leadershttps://www.linkedin.com/in/nina-russell-5b904940/
- Ainsley Benefield https://www.linkedin.com/in/ainsley-benefield-3074b179/?originalSubdomain=nz
Come and enjoy a series of short talks from 6 inspirational leaders and then join us afterwards for refreshments and chat. Gold Coin Koha (donation will be gifted to charitable cause).
Organised by the Global Women Activate Leaders Programme 2018 Wellington cohort. Supported by Global Women, Westpac and TechWomenNZ
#NZGlobalWomen #WomenInLeadership #WhakatuWahine
#GenderEqualNZ #WhatWellingtonWomenWant
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