TechWomen News
This year, TWNZ celebrated IWD both in person and via a webinar link. This Hybrid method proved successful and something we will continue with, in spite of some of the technical difficulties Pip faced during the initial set up! Ultimately, it went rather well, but we have acknowledged in the feedback from our members, that next … Continue reading "TechWomenNZ International Women’s Day – 8th March 2023"
04 April 2023
TechWomen News
Inspiring the next generation
Welcome to 2023. The TechWomen team is excited to announce our focus for the year is inspiring the next generation of females into technology centred careers. You would have seen our request for sponsorship and registration of interest for ShadowTech Day 2023, our headline programme which has had a few years hiatus with the pandemic. … Continue reading "Inspiring the next generation"
20 February 2023
TechWomen News
Early exposure to evolving tech a catalyst for careers
At our recent Ada Lovelace Day event, five women shared their technology career stories. While all unique in both journey, challenges and successes, early exposure to the evolving nature of tech was a recurring theme. These exposures were wide ranging and included recalling a first computer in the house, playing with toys typecast as being "for boys", learning with/from brothers, experiencing new technologies in school programs, and being taken to inspiring tech events as youths.
07 November 2022
TechWomen News
Leverage new Return to Tech content to inspire others
As June and July have brought the usual cold wintery weather, this year there has been a stronger awareness of a potential shift in mindset thanks to our new public holiday for Matariki; marking a time for reflection and planning ahead.
02 August 2022
TechWomen News
TechWomen launches Return to Tech plus a challenge to take on Techweek
TechWomen launches Return to Tech plus a challenge to take on Techweek
06 May 2022
TechWomen News
Register Your Interest for TechWomen Mentoring Circles 2022
Our mentoring circles are all about bringing people together to make new connections in their community.
20 April 2022
TechWomen News
International Women’s Day & Return to Tech Launch
As a recent addition to the TechWomen Committee, I have the honour of authoring the first newsletter for 2022. With International Women’s Day coming up next week I find myself contemplating the purpose of this day: celebration of steps taken towards equality, yes; supporting each other on progress yet to come, yes; but also sharing … Continue reading "International Women’s Day & Return to Tech Launch"
04 March 2022
TechWomen News
Thank you from TechWomen
As another challenging year draws to a close, we celebrate the highlights of 2021 and let you know what to expect in 2022.
16 December 2021
TechWomen News
Welcome to our new executive team members
Check out the latest news from Techwomen NZ
26 November 2021