Kia ora
March 2020 is proving to be challenging so far, as we navigate the fight against Covid-19 in New Zealand.
This is a quick note to say that we are with you all the way.
While we are not hosting any in-person events for the foreseeable future, we encourage everyone to stay connected and share with us encouraging posts, comments and interesting articles via one of our many digital presences. If you have not already, now is the time to keep in touch by engaging with us below:
- Twitter: @techwomennz
- LinkedIn: Group: NZ TechWomen Group
- Instagram:
- Facebook:
- Youtube Videos of TechWomen Stories:
- Sign up to our newsletter: or forward this to anyone who may be interested.
We are all ears to any ideas you may have for hosting virtual sessions during Techweek, or if you have planned an event already, we can discuss with you how we can help. In the meantime Techweek want to know how connected are you? Do you know how many connected devices there are in your household? Take our survey to tell us. Your response will help us create a national picture of how many connected devices the average New Zealand household has. Thank heavens for connected devices in our current situation!
Email us after all we are all in technology and, as women (mostly), we are apparently fabulous communicators! So let’s get those creative female brains thinking outside the pre-global pandemic box!
Something to think about for the next group Facebook page discussion?
- Who is studying in our circle? Any on-line exams and certifications we can (virtually) congratulate you on?
- What brilliant ideas have you taken (virtually) to your boss during the past few days or weeks that have been implemented using technology?
- Can you share with us a technical word in another language that you speak? Or is Laptop pretty much Laptop universally?!
ShadowTech & Mentoring Circles
We are mindful that our two biggest initiatives Shadowtech and mentoring circles might need to be virtual and be postponed to later in the year, but we encourage you to continue to register your interest so we can come back to you as soon as we can.

Register your interest for either sponsorship as a host organisation by emailing us here.
Mentoring Circles

Register your interest for our mentoring circles here.
For the latest news on Covid-19 news, please do check out this government informational website.
Take care, stay safe!
TechWomen Team